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No New Posts Weyr Archives

This is the very large and very old archives; it’s at least 6 stories high and there are many different selections of books

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No New Posts Laundry Rooms

This is where all laundry is cleaned, there are several lines all over the place to hang things that can’t go into the dryers, and there are lines as well outside. There are several washers and dryers and the rooms are always very hot.

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No New Posts Bathing Rooms

These are the public bathing rooms where people who aren’t shy can bathe. There are both outdoor and indoor bathing areas. The Indoor are set in a very large building it is kept very warm.

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No New Posts Storage Room Areas

This is where you can find the Weyr's Storage Rooms and Abandoned Storage Rooms.

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No New Posts Weyr Stables

This is where Weyrfolk can board their Horses and ride them no matter their rank in the Weyr, visitors may also board and ride their horses and runners here. There are both indoor and outdoor riding arenas. There are also training arenas to train your Horse to be ridden or driven. The indoor areas are always kept very warm. There are also many trails to ride on with many shelters designed to protect you and your Horse if you are out when bad weather happens

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No New Posts Weyr Water Areas

This is where you can find the Lake/Beach and the Ocean/Beach.

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