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No New Posts Jr. Weyrling weyr's

This is where the Weyrling's and their young Dragonets first rest until they graduate into Sr. Weyrlinghood. The rooms that are for a separate gender are big enough for a Weyrling and his or her Dragonet; however the twin rooms and the married rooms are big enough to fit 2 Weyrling's and their Dragonets. They stay here until they are allowed to move into the Sr. Weyrling weyr’s which is at the digression of the Weyrlingmaster passing into Sr. Weyrlinghood. They are 5 times larger than the regular Barracks. This is where the Weyrling's and their young Dragonets first rest until they graduate into Sr. Weyrlinghood. The rooms that are for a separate gender are big enough for a Weyrling and his or her Dragonet; however the twin rooms and the married rooms are big enough to fit 2 Weyrling's and their Dragonets. They stay here until they are allowed to move into the Sr. Weyrling weyr’s which is at the digression of the Weyrlingmaster passing into Sr. Weyrlinghood. They are 5 times larger than regular Weyrling Barracks.

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No New Posts Sr. Weyrling weyr's

Weyrling’s move into these weyr’s at the Weyrlingmasters digression and when they pass into Sr. Weyrlinghood. They are bigger than the Jr. Weyrling Barracks and are more designed like the weyr's They Will Move Into After Graduation. The weyr’s that are separate gender are big enough for a Sr. Weyrling and his or her dragonet, however twin weyr’s and the married weyr’s are big enough to fit 2 Weyrling’s and their Dragonets. They stay here until they graduate, even if a Weyrling is under 16 he or she moves into Dragonrider weyr’s or Jr. Weyrwomen or Jr. Weyrleader’s weyr’s however they aren’t full Riders or full Jr. Weyrleader’s or full Jr. Weyrwomen until they are tapped at 16. It is kept very warm, but has the ability to change how warm it is. Each one has its own separate bathing pool.

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Weyrling weyr's
These are the weyr's for our Weyrling's, they are 5 times larger than regular Weyrling Barracks and regular Weyrling weyr's
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