Regular Rules

1. Please respect everyone

2. There is no minimum word count, but please don’t post one-liners, as it is hard for others to respond to them, if you are at a loss for ideas describe the scene where your character or characters are, describe what they are wearing, or even what the weather is like. If you have writers block, I understand that, please put your ideas into a word processor program like word and come back to it when the writer’s block is gone, it’s what I do.

3. You have the choice of One Character Per Account or All Characters on one account, Admin will always have one account.

4. We also don’t have a character limit, the only limit we have is the number of characters you can play and keep them ALL active.

5. With any Queen or Jr. Queen Riders that you have you ARE allowed to have YOUR male character’s Dragon fly and mate your Queen or Jr. Queen; if you do NOT like this rule don’t join; I think it’s unfair not to let your Queen or Jr. Queen be flown if you so wish by your male’s Dragon.

6. Please don’t use chat-speak in or out of character. Please type out the words out like no u for you, etc. there might be some players who English is not their first language so please be respectful.

7. Please keep swearing to a minimum

8. This site is rated up to PG-13, due to the fact we could have young players and because we aren’t a premium site it is Jcink’s Rules

9. Leave Of Absences are majorly requested to be put if you are not going to be on the site for the day or if you are going to be on later than normal.

10. Please no power-playing or god-modding, the only way you are allowed to is if you are given permission from the other player to do so and please pm me about it immediately.

11. Nobody is perfect. If you have a problem with me (Akadeanna Hawk) or one of my assistants please message me. I have personally dealt with troublesome admins and their co-admins (won’t name names) and I have left sites due to troublesome admins and/or co-admins, but I ask you not to be like that please bring it to my attention.

12. Telling someone off for noting that they are swearing in the shoutbox, will not be tolerated.

Character Rules

Here are the rules specific to Character Creation

1. First off no roleplaying until your first character has been approved and moved to the appropriate board. If you are asked to make changes, add a new reply when done so I can check it again. Please don’t bug me to approve your character unless it’s been at least a week without a reply. I do have a life outside of the Roleplay.

2. Face Claims are not required, but are encouraged. Real Life and animated are allowed.

3. Some disabilities will be allowed for Candidates since we are set on Earth, however there will be only a limited number allowed. Please research the disability so you can play it properly you will be asked to remove the disability if you don’t play it properly.

4. Some odd hair colors and eye colors will be allowed as yes we are on Earth and there are some, but if it is getting out of control this rule will be changed.

5. Accepted candidates are aged as young as 5, but mind you if your Candidate impresses at 6 he or she will not be tapped into a wing until they are 16 years/turns old nor will their Dragon rise to mate or chase until their Rider has reached 16 they can rise to mate or chase on their Rider’s 16th birthday, but not before. There is no maximum age one can be searched as a Candidate.

6. You may start off with characters owning Firelizards, but please check the possessions to see how many depending on your rank that you can start with.

7. Dragon names end in –th. No exceptions. Wher names are based on their handler’s name always ending in –sk. No exceptions. Here there is a choice whether a male shortens his name, but it is not required. Females are welcome to shorten their name if they desire to.

8. When making a Candidate, do not add the form to your character sheet, you need to pm it to me.

9. You may start with your Dragon, Wher, or Flitt having mutations; but there is a limit to how many of each.

10. With any Queen or Jr. Queen Riders that you have you ARE allowed to have YOUR male character’s Dragon fly and mate your Queen or Jr. Queen; if you do NOT like this rule don’t join; I think it’s unfair not to let your Queen or Jr. Queen be flown if you so wish by your male’s Dragon.

Rules may be added or changed as needed.