Traditional Colored Dragons:

Gold Dragons:

Regal beasts, Gold’s are ranked as Queen’s in the Canon Dragons; ranked just slightly below the true Queens of our sites; they still have their commanding abilities of old. They come in almost all shades of Gold except for Platinum with a metallic sheen.

Name: Gold

Colors: Antique, True Gold, Pale Gold, bordering on white gold, That’s Almost Yellow To A Deep Brassy Gold That Looks Almost Bronze

Gender: Female

Rank: Queen

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan: 150 to 225 feet

Impression: Any

Flaming: Yes

Rises: upto 6 times a year

Clutches: upto 60 Eggs

Personality: These dragons are, to be blunt, brats. They are very arrogant and vain. They are also perfectionists that refuse to settle for anything less than the best.

Bronze Dragons:

Noble Beasts, Bronzes are ranked as King’s in the canon Dragons ranked just slightly below the true Kings of the Weyr. They come in all shades of Bronze with a metallic sheen

Name: Bronze

Colors: These Dragons Range In Any And All Shades Of Bronze

Gender: Male

Rank: King

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan: 150 to 225 feet

Impression: Any

Flaming: Yes

Chases: any female

Personality: These dragons have self-confidence issues. They are constantly doubting themselves and take any reprimand very badly.

Brown Dragons:

Elegant beasts, Browns are mid-ranked among the canons of the Weyr. They come in all shades of brown from light tan to a dark brown that is bordering on black.

Name: Brown

Colors: all shades of brown from tan, to chocolate brown, to a dark brown that almost looks black

Gender: Male & Female

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Impression: any

Flaming: Yes (Both)

Rises: 4 to 5 times a year

Chases: Any Female

Clutches: between 40 and 50 Eggs

Personality: They are constantly hyper and looking to play. Picture a really big puppy.

Blue Dragons:

These are regal colored beasts, the Blue Dragons are among the low-ranked dragons of the canons, but their hide makes one think of Royal colors

Name: Blue

Colors: These Dragons Can Range In Any And All Shades Of Blue, From A Blue That’s Almost White To A Deep Dark Blue That Borders On Black

Gender: Male & Female

Rank: Low-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Impression: Any

Flaming: Yes (Both)

Rises: upto 4 times a year

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 40 Eggs

Personality: They are cocky flirts. They are convinced they are the best looking of all dragons and that they should come out on top in all flights.

Green Dragons:

These creatures are very lithe and feminine in shape, the greens are one of the most colorful of the canons, they are very flirty, flighty, and hyper.

Name: Green

Colors: These Dragons Can Range In Any And All Shades Of Green.

Gender: Male & Female

Rank: Low-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Impression: Any

Flaming: Yes (Both)

Rises: upto 6 times a year

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 40 eggs

Personality: Greens tends toward depression. They doubt their own worth and it will take lots of attention from their rider to make them happy.

White Dragons:

These beasts are sometimes considered plain, the white Dragons are among the low-ranked of the canons, they come in all shades of whites

Name: White

Colors: These Dragons Can Range In Any And All Shades Of White

Gender: Male & Female

Rank: Low-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Impression: Any

Flaming: Yes (Both)

Rises: upto 4 times a year

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 40 Eggs

Personality: Whites are eccentric. They often have wild ideas and odd habits. It is easy for them to lose touch with the real world.

Credit: The credit for the personalities belongs to Ceridawn