Chemist Craft Stall:


Basic Stain Set - 5 Credits Each Set; You Can Create 6 Stains To Stain Furniture Before The Supplies Run Out

Average Stain Set - 10 Credits Each Set; You Create 10 Stains To Stain Furniture The Supplies Run Out

Advanced Stain Set – 50 Credits Each Set; You Can Create Unlimited Stains To Stain Unlimited Furniture

Basic Dye Set - 5 Credits Each Set; You Can Create 6 Dyes To Dye Clothing, Etc. Before The Supplies Run Out

Average Dye Set - 10 Credits Each Set; You Create 10 Dyes To Dye Clothing, Etc. The Supplies Run Out

Advanced Dye Set – 50 Credits Each Set; You Can Create Unlimited Dyes To Dye Unlimited Clothing, Etc.

Basic Varnish Set - 5 Credits Each Set; You Can Create 6 Varnishes To Varnish Furniture Before The Supplies Run Out

Average Varnish Set - 10 Credits Each Set; You Create 10 Varnishes To Varnish Furniture The Supplies Run Out

Advanced Varnish Set – 50 Credits Each Set; You Can Create Unlimited Varnishes To Varnish Unlimited Furniture

Basic Cleaning Compounds Set - 5 Credits Each Set; You Can Create 6 Cleaning Compounds Containers To Clean 4 Things Before The Supplies Run Out

Average Cleaning Compounds Containers Set - 10 Credits Each Set; You Create 10 Cleaning Compounds Containers To Clean 10 Things Before Supplies Run Out

Advanced Cleaning Compounds Containers Set – 50 Credits Each Set; You Can Create Unlimited Cleaning Compounds Containers To Clean Unlimited Things

Basic Explosives Set - 5 Credits Each Set; You Can Create 6 Explosives Before The Supplies Run Out

Average Explosives Set - 10 Credits Each Set; You Create 10 Explosives Before The Supplies Run Out

Advanced Explosives Set – 50 Credits Each Set; You Can Create Unlimited Explosives

Individual Items:

Furniture Stain (Any Size Container/Color) – 2 Credits Each

Clothing Dye (Any Size Container/Color) – 2 Credits Each

Furniture Varnish (Any Size Container/Color) – 2 Credits Each

Cleaning Compounds (Any Size Container/Color) – 2 Credits Each

Explosives (Any Size Explosion/Color) – 2 Credits Each