A Song I Wrote After Watching Star Trek Nemesis Those Who Know About Star Trek The Next Generation Or Have Seen Nemesis This Is A Dedication To Data.

You Never Knew What True Love Is.
You Never Knew What True Feelings Are.
You Only Knew What Others Told You What True Feelings Are.

Nemesis Saw You Taken Long Before Your Time.
You Were Supposed To Out-Live Everyone
From Jean-Luc To Wesley And Everyone In Between.

You Served With The "Crew" For Many Good Years.
You Even Helped Fight The Borg.
Even Till Your Destruction You Saved The Lives Of Your Crew.
They Never Got To Say This To You, But From All Of Us "Thank You".

Data You Were Special In You Way, More Than You’ll Ever Know
You’re Life Was More Special Than Anything.
You’ll Never Know What It Truly Means To Be Human,
But You Will Never Be Forgotten By Any Of Us.

You’re Determination To Be Human,
Made Us Realize More About Ourselves
You’ll Never Be Forgotten Not Even I Will Forget You
And Your Determination To Be Different Than
What You Were, But You Were A Dear Friend To All You Met
May You Never Be Forgotten By All Who Knew You.

Tasha Was Right When She Said That
You See Things With The Wonder Of A Child
And That Makes You More Human Than Any Of Us.

This Song Is © Copywritten To Akadeanna Hawk And Cannot Be Used Without Her Permission