Crystal Dragons

Crystal Dragons are very regal beasts and are the true Queen Dragons of this Weyr; they are rather unique they come in different colors, like Pink, Purple, and Peach, but have a light sparkle to it showing they are a Crystal Dragon; these Dragons are the most delicate of all Dragons. The different colors of Crystals are Sub-Colors and each color has a different ability

Name: Crystal

Colors: Crystal Dragons are very regal beasts and are the true Queen Dragons of this Weyr; they are rather unique they come in different colors, like Pink, Purple, and Peach, but have a light sparkle to it showing they are a Crystal Dragon; these Dragons are the most delicate of all Dragons. The different colors of Crystals are Sub-Colors and each color has a different ability

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan: 150 to 225 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 60 Eggs

Personality: They are lovely, constantly working to help those around them. Their Riders should monitor them to make sure they don't neglect themselves while helping others

The first of the colors are the Purple Crystals and they have the ability to heal the lighter the purple the weaker the ability to heal the darker the purple the stronger the ability to heal.

White Crystals glow in the dark; in the light White Crystals could be confused with Snow Dragons until they impress then somewhere on their hide a crystal clear spot appears. These Crystals are very delicate and are very nervous meeting new people which is why they are very protective of whoever is their Rider which makes them very strong guard type Dragons. Though all Crystal Dragons are delicate, the White Crystal Dragons are even more delicate.

The Peach Crystals are eager learners and pay attention easier in Weyrling Classes and Wing Drills learning quicker than larger Dragons than them; however the lighter Peaches are more eager learners and pay attention even easier, the darker they are still even more eager and pay more attention, but not as strong as the lighter Peach Crystals.

The Pink Crystals are better Search Dragons and stronger than any other Dragon that can Search Candidates, unlike the majority of the Crystal Dragons, the strength of the search ability doesn’t change depending on the shade of the Pink Crystal they are all equal in strength.

Crimson Dragons

They come in any and all shades of crimson

Name: Crimson

Colors: They come in any and all shades of crimson

Gender: both

Ranked: High-Ranked

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan: 150 to 225 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: Upto 6 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 60 Eggs

Aquamarine Dragons

These Dragons are very Noble beasts, especially being among the High-Ranked Dragons. They only come in two colors white with foggy gray coloration and true aqua-blue; but they have the sheen of an aquamarine no matter which color they are.

Name: Aquamarine

Colors: white with gray fog & aqua-blue

Gender: both (White female & aqua-blue male)

Rank: High-Ranked

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan 150 to 225 feet

Flaming: Yes

Rises: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 60 Eggs

Personality: They are jokesters. Unlike some other colors, Aquamarines do not play pranks. They will tell jokes and do their best to keep those around them laughing.

White Gold Dragons

These regal Dragons are a mix of White and Gold in coloration; they have the Command of a Gold Dragon however they have the talents of a White always knowing where and when they are; bringing the best of a Gold Dragon and a White Dragon into one Dragon.

Name: White Gold

Colors: A good mix of White and Gold; any shade of White and any shade of Gold except for Platinum Gold can be found on this Dragons hide

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 60 Eggs

Note about them: many believe this Dragon coloration came about when a White mated a Gold, but there is no records to prove or discount this belief

Red Dragons These Dragons come in any and all colors Of Red except crimson

Name: Red

Colors: These Dragons come in any and all colors Of Red except crimson

Gender: Female

Rank: High-Ranked

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan: 150 to 225 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any male

Clutches: upto 60 Eggs

Black Dragons

They come in any and all shades of black

Name: Black

Colors: They come in any and all shades of black

Gender: male

Rank: High-Ranked

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan: 150 to 225 feet

Flaming: Yes

Chases: any female

Emerald Dragons

These Dragons come in any and all shades an emerald gemstone comes in

Name: Emerald

Colors: These Dragons come in any and all shades an emerald gemstone comes in

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Length: 100 to 150 feet

Body: 50 to 75 feet

Height: 25 to 75 feet

Wingspan: 150 to 225 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 60 Eggs

Lime Green Dragons:

These Dragons are always some shade Of lime green

Name: Lime Green

Colors: These Dragons are always some shade Of lime green

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches between 40 and 50 Eggs

Pearl Dragons:

Pearl Dragons:

Regal beasts pearl dragons are among the Mid-Ranked dragons of the Weyr. They are another one of the most colorful dragons; they come in white, pink, silver, cream, brown, green, blue, black, yellow, and gold; however they have a very light sheen that is like a pearl luster;

Name: Pearl

Colors: white, pink, silver, cream, brown, green, blue, black, yellow, and gold; however they have a very light sheen that is like a pearl luster

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan 75 to 150 feet

Flaming: Yes

Rises: 4 to 5 times a year

Chases: any female

Clutches: between 40 and 50 Eggs

Personality: They are the daredevils. They are addicted to the adrenal rush that comes from doing something dangerous. They love speed and heights. Expect a Pearl to always be planning some sort of crazy stunt.

Sky Blue Dragons

These Dragons come in any and all shades Of Sky Blue

Name: Sky Blue

Colors: These Dragons come in any and all shades Of Sky Blue

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Rises: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: between 40 and 50 eggs

Water Dragons:

These Dragons are a mix Of blue, aqua, seafoam, and light blue coloring, looking like they are a living ocean

Name: Water

Colors: These Dragons are a mix Of blue, aqua, seafoam, and light blue coloring, looking like they are a living ocean

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: between 40 and 50 Eggs

Whirlpool Dragons These Dragons are blue in coloring and in lighter blue there are swirls on their hide that look like whirlpools

Name: Whirlpool

Colors: These Dragons are blue in coloring and in lighter blue there are swirls on their hide that look like whirlpools

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: upto 4 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 40 Eggs

Tropical Ocean Dragons

Their bodies are longer, thinner, and more elegant than most Dragons, although it’s not noticeable until they are almost fully matured. They are generally the color of the ocean in the tropics

Name: Tropical Ocean

Colors: Their bodies are longer, thinner, and more elegant than most Dragons, although it’s not noticeable until they are almost fully matured. They are generally the color of the ocean in the tropics

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: upto 4 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 40 Eggs

Credit: Credit for this Dragon belongs to Kaly Weyrwoman Of the original Deserted Island Weyr. You can contact her through AIM at: snowballkitten01; MSN at

Rain Dragons

These Dragons are deep blue in color and throughout their hide they have white or clear markings that look like raindrops scattered all over it

Name: Rain

Colors: These Dragons are deep blue in color and throughout their hide they have white or clear markings that look like raindrops scattered all over it

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Length: 50 to 100 feet feet

Body: 25 to 50 feet

Height: 12.5 to 25 feet

Wingspan: 75 to 150 feet

Flaming: yes

Rises: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: between 40 and 50 Eggs