Crater Whers

Regal beasts, Crater Whers are highly ranked among their kind, second only to the true kings and queens of the Weyr. Coming in shades of platinum Gold

Name: Crater

Colors: They come in shades of Platinum Gold

Gender: Both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: upto 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Ebony Whers

Dark, but very regal beasts, Ebony Whers are highly ranked among their kind, second only to the true kings and queens of the Weyr. They come in colors that range from a smoky gray to a dark ebony black

Name: Ebony

Colors: They come in colors that range from a smoky gray to a dark ebony black

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: upto 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Silver Whers

Regal beasts these are one of the largest of the Main Whers; they range in coloration from a Silver that is so light that it is bordering on White to a dark Silver that is bordering on black still with a metallic sheen to them

Name: Silver

Colors: They range in coloration from a Silver that is so light that it is bordering on White to a dark Silver that is bordering on black still with a metallic sheen to them

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Copper Whers:

Regal beasts, Copper Whers are highly ranked among their kind, second only to the true kings and queens of the Weyr. They come in coloration from Bright Metallic to Dark burnished Copper

Name: Copper

Colors: They come in coloration from Bright Metallic to Dark burnished Copper

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: upto 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Obsidian Whers Dark, but very regal beasts, Obsidian Whers are highly ranked among their kind, second only to the true kings and queens of the Weyr. They come in a beautiful shimmering black color that will have a tone of another color. Black-purple, Black-indigo, Black-blue, and very rarely, Black-Gold

Name: Obsidian

Colors: They come in a beautiful shimmering black color that will have a tone of another color. Black-purple, Black-indigo, Black-blue, and very rarely, Black-Gold

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: upto 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Twilight Whers

Dark, but very regal beasts, Twilight Whers are highly ranked among their kind, second only to the true kings and queens of the Weyr. Their color is always a mixture of black, dark blue and deep purple, sometimes hinted with silver and looking very much like the night sky

Name: Twilight

Colors: Their color is always a mixture of black, dark blue and deep purple, sometimes hinted with silver and looking very much like the night sky

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: upto 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Sienna Whers

Elegant beasts, Sienna's are mid-ranked among the Mains of the Weyr. They resemble a light brown from afar but if you look at them in the right light, you can see the difference. Sienna's are a burnt brown (or auburn) with red undertones and gold highlights.

Name: Sienna

Colors: They resemble a light brown from afar but if you look at them in the right light, you can see the difference. Sienna's are a burnt brown (or auburn) with red undertones and gold highlights.

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: between 20 and 25 Eggs

Steel Whers

Elegant beasts, Steels are mid-ranked among the Mains of the Weyr. They are mostly steel gray in color, but can come in any shade Of steel gray

Name: Steel

Colors: They are mostly steel gray in color, but can come in any shade Of steel gray

Gender: Both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: between 20 and 25 Eggs

Disgleirio Whers

Regal beasts, Disgleirio Whers are mid-ranked Whers; they are more serpentine than all other Whers, and are almost any dark color. But their scales are notorious for their pale-gold shimmering, glittering speckles, and matching, smooth gold wing membranes.

Name: Disgleirio

Colors: They are more serpentine than all other Whers, and are almost any dark color. But their scales are notorious for their pale-gold shimmering, glittering speckles, and matching, smooth gold wing membranes.

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: between 4 to 5 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any females

Clutches: between 20 to 25 Eggs

Onyx Whers

Dark, but very regal beasts, Onyx Whers are among the mid-ranked Whers. These Whers Look Like True Onyx

Name: Onyx

Colors: These Whers Look Like True Onyx

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by a male

Chases: any female

Clutches: between 20 to 25 Eggs

Indigo Whers

Regal beasts, Indigo Whers are low-ranked Whers; these Whers come in any and all shades of Indigo.

Name: Indigo

Colors: These Whers come in any and all shades of Indigo

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 5.5 to 6 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: upto 4 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 18 Eggs

Crystal Whers:

Crystal Whers are very regal beasts even though they are Low-Ranked Whers; they are rather unique they come in different colors, like Pink, Purple, and Peach, but have a light sparkle to it showing they are a Crystal Wher; these Whers are the most delicate of all Whers. The different colors of Crystals are Sub-Colors and each color has a different ability

Name: Crystal

Colors: They can be male or female and don’t have a preference on what gender they impress upon they will choose a male Handler or female Handler regardless of Handler’s orientation.

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked Height At Shoulder: 5.5 to 6 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: Between 3 and 4 times a year

Chases: any female; prefers female Main Whers

Clutches: upto 10 Eggs

The first of the colors are the Purple Crystals and they have the ability to heal the lighter the purple the weaker the ability to heal the darker the purple the stronger the ability to heal.

White Crystals glow in the dark; in the light White Crystals could be confused with Snow Whers until they impress then somewhere on their hide a crystal clear spot appears. These Crystals are very delicate and are very nervous meeting new people which is why they are very protective of whoever is their Handler which makes them very strong guard type Whers. Though all Crystal Whers are delicate, the White Crystal Whers are even more delicate.

The Peach Crystals are eager learners and pay attention easier in Wherling Classes and Guard Drills learning quicker than larger Whers than them; however the lighter Peaches are more eager learners and pay attention even easier, the darker they are still even more eager and pay more attention, but not as strong as the lighter Peach Crystals.

The Pink Crystals are better Search Whers and stronger than any other Wher that can Search Candidates, unlike the majority of the Crystal Whers, the strength of the search ability doesn’t change depending on the shade of the Pink Crystal they are all equal in strength.

Glass Whers

Regal beasts, Glass Whers are low-ranked Whers; these Whers are foggy-gray everywhere except their wings, which are as clear as Glass.

Name: Glass

Colors: These Whers are foggy-gray everywhere except their wings, which are as clear as Glass.

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 5 to 5.5 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: between 3 and 4 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 10 Eggs

Yellow Whers

Regal beasts, Yellow Whers are low-ranked Whers; these Whers come in every shade of yellow from a very pale yellow that borders on white to a dark yellow that could almost be considered gold, however they never have the metallic sheen that Gold Whers have.

Name: Yellow

Colors: These Whers come in every shade of yellow from a very pale yellow that borders on white to a dark yellow that could almost be considered gold, however they never have the metallic sheen that Gold Whers have.

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 5 to 5.5 feet

Flaming: Females No | Males Yes

Runs: between 3 and 4 times a year and are caught by any male

Chases: any female

Clutches: upto 10 Eggs