Verosha: This Refers To A Very Old Form Of Spark-Bonding Among Seekers, As Old As Cybertron Itself, Unlike Normal Spark-Bonding However It Doesn’t Involve Interfacing Or Involving Revealing Their Sparks, The Bond Though Is A Million Times Stronger Than A Normal Spark-Bonding.

Liquid Energon Replacement: This Is A Replacement For Energon, It Is Designed To Work Just Like Regular Energon, But It Tastes Like Vosian High-Grade Energon And It Works Just Like It Except For One Minor Difference, This Stuff Doesn’t Have The Nasty Side-Effects That High-Grade Energon Has. Unlike The Traditional Energon, This Isn’t Purple In Coloration It Is Blood Red In Coloration, It Isn’t Altered To Be Red In Color, When It Is Harvested It Comes Out Blood Red. This Is Created By Harvesting Radiation From The Great Barrier By The Maquis Ships. There Are Modifications Made To It, But Only To Suit The Need Of The Bot Who Will Ingest It. For Instance Since Seekers Need More Nutrients In Their Energon The Seekers Formula Has A Lot More Nutrients Then Say For A Scout Like Bumblebee. There Is Also A Formula For Sparked Bots, But Again The Formula Designed For A Sparked Seeker Still Has Much More Nutrients Then For A Sparked Scout; The Nutrient Levels For A Sparked Seeker Is 3 Times Higher Than The Formula For A Non-Sparked Seeker

Battle Mask: This Is A Mask Seen Among Most Autobots More So Seen With Optimus And Bumblebee, It Covers Every Bit Of The Bots Face Except For Their Optics And It Protects Their Faceplates While In Battle. The Color Of The Mask Depends On The Color Of The Faceplates Of The Bot, Like Optimus’ Faceplates Are Silver So His Battle Mask Is Silver, While Bumblebee’s Faceplates Are Yellow So His Battle Mask Is Yellow.

Ceremonial Mask: This Is A Mask Much Like A Battle Mask Except For The Fact Instead Of Being The Traditional Color Of The Bots Face It Is Solid Gold In Coloration, Traditionally It Is Only Seen Among Primes And High Ranking Seekers, And Also The Rare True Child Of Primus.

Spark Prime: This Term Refers To A Prime Who Doesn't Have A Separate Thing For Their Matrix Of Leadership; Where Their Matrix Of Leadership Is Built Right Into Their Spark Casing

Half-Breed: This is used for a Cybertronian who is both Human and Cybertronian; Akadeanna for instance is a Human/Seeker Half-Breed as she was born a Human with her Seeker form, but her Seeker form didn't come out until 5 days after she turned 6 years old; Skyfire is also a Half-Breed, but he is considered a Seeker/Human Half-Breed because he was born Seeker and got his Human form.

Half-Blood: A Half-Blood is a Cybertronian who has one creator who is an Autobot and one creator who is a Decepticon; Moonwind would be considered a Half-Blood because Ironhide his Carrier is an Autobot and Megatron his Sire is a Decepticon even though Megatron had been an Autobot when he Sparked Ironhide.

The Terms: Verosha, Liquid Energon Replacement, Ceremonial Mask, Spark Prime, Half-Breed, & Half-Blood Were Created By Akadeanna Hawk, Creator Of This Site And Are Copyrighted To Her, You Must Ask Her Permission To Use These Terms Anywhere Else.