Wesley came into my life when he was a 2–week old kitten all he wanted and needed was a mommy, I was 14 years old when he came into my life I was lucky that year I was given both of my soulmates my human and my furbaby soulmates. I gave him the name Wesley after a Star Trek The Next Generation Character named Wesley Crusher; his middle name was Thomas after Thomas Riker Transporter Spawned Double of William Thomas Riker also from Star Trek The Next Generation

Wesley as a kitten and his First Christmas: – Napping In My Lap

– What's He Looking At?

– A Kitten Or Christmas Ornament?

– Posing For The Camera

– Sitting On A Chair As A Kitten

Wesley As An Older Cat:

– With Another One Of My Bridge Babies Tillie Curled Up On My Bed

– Looking Handsome For The Camera

– Happy Halloween or Happy Thanksgiving Wesley

– Begging

– Begging Second

– Begging Third

– Silly Boy Fell Asleep Reading Mommy's Dragonlovers Guide To Pern

– Wesley And I Hugging

– Happy New Years To Wesley In Heaven

May 16th, 2015

God Wesley I wake up this morning and realize it's May 16th, 2015 where has the time gone! It just seems like yesterday we sent you to the Rainbow Bridge and brought your body home and buried you on the land you lived on! Yet today its 1 year since we let you go! Grandma (My mom) thought it's only been 6 months, but NO today it's 1 year

May 16th, 2016

God Wesley as I update this memorial I made for you I realize it’s been 2 years now WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE BABY! It still just seems like yesterday we sent you to the Rainbow Bridge and brought your body home and buried you on the land you lived on! Yet today as I update your memorial page it’s been 2 years plus 2 months plus 4 days since we let you go!

May 16th, 2017

God Wesley as I update this memorial I made for you I realize it’s been 3 years now WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE BABY! It still just seems like yesterday we sent you to the Rainbow Bridge and brought your body home and buried you on the land you lived on! Yet today as I update your memorial page it’s been 3 years plus almost 5 months since we let you go!

May 16th, 2018

God Wesley has it already been 4 years now! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE BABY! It still just seems like yesterday we sent you to the Rainbow Bridge and brought your body home and buried you on the land you lived on! Yet today as I update your memorial page it’s been 4 years exactly we let you go! At times it seems like it was just yesterday and others it seems like more than 4 years.

May 16th, 2019

God Wesley has it already been 5 years now! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE BABY! It still just seems like yesterday we sent you to the Rainbow Bridge and brought your body home and buried you on the land you lived on! Yet today as I update your memorial page it’s been 5 years exactly we let you go! At times it seems like it was just yesterday and others it seems like more than 5 years.

May 16th, 2020

God Wesley has it already been 6 years now! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE BABY! It still just seems like yesterday we sent you to the Rainbow Bridge and brought your body home and buried you on the land you lived on! At times it seems like it was just yesterday and others it seems like more than 6 years.

May 16th, 2021

God Wesley has it already been 7 years now! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE BABY! It still just seems like yesterday we sent you to the Rainbow Bridge and brought your body home and buried you on the land you lived on! At times it seems like it was just yesterday and others it seems like more than 7 years.

5-16-15 – 1 year anniversary

5-16-16 – 2 year anniversary

5-16-17 – 3 year anniversary

5-16-18 – 4 year anniversary

5-16-19 – 5 year anniversary

5-16-20 – 6 year anniversary

5-16-21 – 7 year anniversary

9-1-1995 to 5-16-14 - Lifetime

Gone but NEVER forgotten!

This Is A Ballad I Wrote In Dedication To My Cat Wesley.

When I First Laid Eyes On You
You Were So Small And Frail
You Looked Up At Me With Oh So Sad Eyes
You Could Not Understand Why Someone Had Left You To Die
I Couldn't Help But Scoop You Up In My Arms
And Take You Home With Me
You Turned Out To Be Healthy, Loving, And Sweet
I Cared For You And You Gave Me All Your Love In Return

As You Grew You Became
My Ever Faithful Companion
Always Waiting For My Return Home

As You Grow Older Now
You Are Becoming More Independent
But I Am Still The Number One Person In Your Life.

"One More Day"

By: Diamond Rio

Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money
Or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished, for one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you

First thing I'd do, is pray for time to crawl
Then I'd unplug the telephone
And keep the TV off
I'd hold you every second
Say a million I love you's
That's what I'd do, with one more day with you

One more day
One more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again
I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you
Leave me wishing still, for one more day
Leave me wishing still, for one more day