Water Whers

These Whers are a mix Of blue, aqua, seafoam, and light blue coloring, looking like they are a living ocean

Name: Water

Colors: These Whers are a mix Of blue, aqua, seafoam, and light blue coloring, looking like they are a living ocean

Gender: both

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any Water Type Male Wher

Chases: any Water Type Female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Whirlpool Whers

These Whers are blue in coloring and in lighter blue there are swirls on their hide that look like whirlpools

Name: Whirlpool

Colors: These Whers are blue in coloring and in lighter blue there are swirls on their hide that look like whirlpools

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Tropical Ocean Whers

Their bodies are longer, thinner, and more elegant than most Whers, although it’s not noticeable until they are almost fully matured. They are generally the color of the ocean in the tropics

Name: Tropical Ocean

Colors: Their bodies are longer, thinner, and more elegant than most Whers, although it’s not noticeable until they are almost fully matured. They are generally the color of the ocean in the tropics

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Credit: Credit for this Wher belongs to Kaly Weyrwoman Of the original Deserted Island Weyr. You can contact her through AIM at: snowballkitten01; MSN at katels_corner@hotmail.com

Vand Whers

These Whers are light blue in color and have darker blue waves throughout their hides

Name: Vand

Colors: These Whers are light blue in color and have darker blue waves throughout their hides

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Mizu Whers

These Whers are the exact opposite in color of the Vand Whers; they are dark Blue in color and have lighter Blue waves crawling throughout their hides

Name: Mizu

Colors: These Whers are the exact opposite in color of the Vand Whers; they are dark Blue in color and have lighter Blue waves crawling throughout their hides

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Tsunami Whers

These Whers are dark midnight blue in color with just slightly lighter blue big waves crashing throughout their hide

Name: Tsunami

Colors: These Whers are dark midnight blue in color with just slightly lighter Blue big waves crashing throughout their hide

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Sea Shell Whers

They are pink, blue, purple, silver, and all the colors of an abalone sea shell

Name: Sea Shell

Colors: They are pink, blue, purple, silver, and all the colors of an abalone sea shell

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Credit: Credit for this Wher belongs to Kaly Weyrwoman Of the original Deserted Island Weyr. You can contact her through AIM at: snowballkitten01; MSN at katels_corner@hotmail.com

Raincloud Whers

These Whers are dark gray in color like a raincloud would be and there are white and clear dots throughout their hide shaped like raindrops

Name: Raincloud

Colors: These Whers are dark gray in color like a raincloud would be and there are white and clear dots throughout their hide shaped like raindrops

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Coral Whers

They are pink, yellow, and orange in color, and they have shapes of coral throughout their hide

Name: Coral

Colors: They are pink, yellow, and orange in color, and they have shapes of coral throughout their hide

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: Yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Oceanus Whers These Whers are dark blue and light blue swirled together in unique patterns, each Oceanus Whers pattern is unique you will NEVER find 2 Oceanus Whers with the same pattern.

Name: Oceanus

Colors: These Whers are dark blue and light blue swirled together in unique patterns, each Oceanus Whers pattern is unique you will NEVER find 2 Oceanus Whers with the same pattern.

Gender: both

Rank: High-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6.25 to 7 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 6 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 25 Eggs

Oceanic Opal Whers

Their hides ripple with sparkles of color. Under the color is a rippling wave like the ocean waves. Their under tone color never varies, but their sparkles of color can vary from spark combos of green, blue, and gold; or the other color combo of red, orange, and copper, with hints of silver.

Name: Oceanic Opal

Colors: Their hides ripples with sparkles of color. Under the color is a rippling wave like the ocean waves. Their under tone color never varies, but their sparkles of color can vary from spark combos of green, blue, and gold; or the other color combo of red, orange, and copper, with hints of silver.

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: between 20 and 25 Eggs

Rain Whers

These Whers are deep blue in color and throughout their hide they have white or clear markings that look like raindrops scattered all over it

Name: Rain

Colors: These Whers are deep blue in color and throughout their hide they have white or clear markings that look like raindrops scattered all over it

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: between 20 and 25 Eggs

Maji Whers

They are white color and when wet it shimmers with a rainbow of colors like the sun shining through the mist.

Name: Maji

Colors: They are white color and when wet it shimmers with a rainbow of colors like the sun shining through the mist.

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: between 20 and 25 Eggs

Ocean Whers

They are mostly the dark Blue of deep water, but some have a lighter Blue or even some green in them

Name: Ocean

Colors: They are mostly the dark Blue of deep water, but some have a lighter Blue or even some green in them

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: between 20 and 25 Eggs

Liquid Whers

Their hides are much like the water also, ranging from a crisp, beautiful turquoise of the tropic waters, to the dark, foreboding navy of the frozen northern seas. They sometimes have white flecks on their hides; whitecaps perhaps?

Name: Liquid

Colors: Their hides are much like the water also, ranging from a crisp, beautiful turquoise of the tropic waters, to the dark, foreboding navy of the frozen northern seas. They sometimes have white flecks on their hides; whitecaps perhaps?

Gender: both

Rank: Mid-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 6 to 6.25 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: between 4 and 5 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: between 20 and 25 Eggs

Gale Whers

They are very thin, serpent-like Whers, making them look longer than they really are. They come in any color imaginable, though it’s always a light, pastel color. Greens, blues, and yellows are the most common, though other colors are not rare.

Name: Gale

Colors: They are very thin, serpent-like Whers, making them look longer than they really are. They come in any color imaginable, though it’s always a light, pastel color. Greens, blues, and yellows are the most common, though other colors are not rare.

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 5.5 to 6 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 4 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 18 Eggs

Poseidon Whers

They have a brilliant blue-green hide sometimes getting into a bright turquoise color, they also have a golden trident somewhere on them too

Name: Poseidon Whers

Colors: They have a brilliant blue-green hide sometimes getting into a bright turquoise color, they also have a golden trident somewhere on them too

Gender: both

Ranked: Low-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 5.5 to 6 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 4 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 18 Eggs

Neptune Whers:

These Whers are mostly red in color, but there is some teal here and there and they have a crown and a trident somewhere on their hide

Name: Neptune

Colors: These Whers are mostly red in color, but there is some teal here and there and they have a crown and a trident somewhere on their hide

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 5.5 to 6 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 4 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 18 Eggs

Cattail Whers

These Whers are mostly bright grassy green in color, but they have some brown lines running through their hide in random patterns

Name: Cattail

Colors: These Whers are mostly bright grassy green in color, but they have some brown lines running through their hide in random patterns

Gender: both

Rank: Low-Ranked

Height At Shoulder: 5.5 to 6 feet

Flaming: yes

Runs: upto 4 times a year and are caught by any water type male Wher

Chases: any water type female Wher

Clutches: upto 18 Eggs